A Ferric-Air Battery base on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Electrical Energy Storage

A Ferric-Air Battery base on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Electrical Energy Storage

Ting Luo Shaorong Wang* Le Shao Jiqing Qian Xiaofeng Ye Zhongliang Zhan Tinglian Wen 

CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SICCAS), P.R. China

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6 March 2013
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6 April 2013
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We report a ferric-air, solid oxide battery that consists of a tubular solid oxide cell with Ca(OH)2/CaO dispersed Fe/FeOx powders integrated as the redox-active materials in the fuel chamber. The key feature here is the use of Ca(OH)2 to prevent agglomeration and coarsening of Fe/FeOx powders, and more importantly to enable in situ production of H2/H2O as the electrochemical active redox couple in the fuel electrode. The proof-of-concept solid oxide battery exhibits an energy capacity of 144 Wh kg-1-Fe at a ferric utilization of 18.8% and excellent stability in ten discharge/charge cycles with a voltage efficiency of 83% that have great potential for improvement. These results showed encouraging promise of the ferric-air, solid oxide batteries for electrical energy storage applications.


Ferric-Air battery, solid oxide fuel cell, electrical energy storage, Tubular design

1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusion
5. Acknowledgements

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