Mobile applications increase at an epidemic pace, and their expansion activities are beneficial. Smartphone usage by peoples has proliferated over the last number of years, and it is expected that the utilization of mobile applications in different environments will continue to increase. In the case of mobile applications, existing process models are not found suitable. Hence, it is strongly required to customize the conventional software development life cycle approaches in such a way that could be suitable for handling frequently changing of the requirement of mobile based applications and to manage other dissimilarities of apps. This paper analyzes various view of desktop and mobile-based development and proposes a life cycle model which incorporates the aspects of extreme programming and feature-driven development (FDD) for mobile-based apps development successfully and also to calculate mobile apps agility factor (MAAF) for handling dynamically changing of customers requirement. A different aspect of agility feature for the proposed model calculates the degree of agility.
app development, extreme programming, MAAF, life cycle model, requirement engineering
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