Estimation Analytique Des Émissions De Gaz Polluants D’Un Parc De Production Électrique De Type Thermique

Estimation Analytique Des Émissions De Gaz Polluants D’Un Parc De Production Électrique De Type Thermique

Influence De L’Aléa Éolien Et De Contraintes Opérationnelles

François Vallée Christophe Versèle Radouane Loughlimi Jacques Lobry

Service de Génie Électrique, Université de Mons (Faculté polytechnique) 31 Boulevard Dolez, 7000 Mons, Belgique

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14 September 2011
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25 January 2013
| | Citation



In this paper, an existing minimisation model of polluting gas emissions in presence of classical thermal (coal, fuel…) parks and wind generation is presented and completed in order to take into account the unexpected unavailability of one (or more) classical park(s). In that context, it has been demonstrated that the modified model is presenting a non-derivable constraint function and that the initial solving method based on a deterministic algorithm must be consequently replaced by the use of an hybrid approach based on the combination of both genetic and deterministic algorithms. In that way, the common impact of fluctuating wind power and of classical parks unexpected unavailability is numerically computed. So, it is shown that, for unchanged wind power characteristics and for a given tolerance on the load covering ability, the consideration of unexpected outages associated to classical thermal parks involves a simultaneous increase of the installed classical power and of polluting gas emissions.


polluting gas, wind generation, reliability, electrical system management and technical analysis.

1. Introduction
2. Présentation Du Modèle Analytique De Minimisation Des Émissions De Gaz Polluants Sans Prise En Compte Des Indisponibilités Non Programmées
3. Prise En Compte Des Indisponibilités Non Programmées Associées Aux Unites Classiques Dans Le Modèle Analytique De Minimisation Des Émissions De Gaz
4. Conclusions

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