International Journal of Heat and Technology(IJHT) is now listed on CiteScore

International Journal of Heat and Technology(IJHT) is now listed on CiteScore with a ranking of 2.32 as of 2016.  The advantages with recent changes to CiteScore are that it provides a more timely, comprehensive, and transparent display of articles indexed by Scopus. CiteScore provides a more clear view of a journal’s impact factor than previous metrics used.
The CiteScore rankings for IJHT are as follows:

1. Fluid Flow and Transfer Process--rank # 6/47

2. Mechanical Engineering--rank # 86/526

3. Condensed Matter Physics--rank # 83/398

More about CiteScore:
“What are the other CiteScore metrics? A number of other new metrics will complement CiteScore. These are:

  • CiteScore Percentile indicates the relative standing of a journal in its subject field. A CiteScore Percentile of 98% means the journal is in the top 2% of its subject field. You can use this number to compare journals in different subject fields.


  • CiteScore Rank, and Rank Out Of indicates the absolute standing of a serial in its field; for example, 14th out of 63 journals in the category.


  • Documents is the denominator of the CiteScore calculation.


  • Citation Count is the numerator of the CiteScore calculation.


  • CiteScore Tracker forecasts a source’s performance for the upcoming year. CiteScore Tracker 2016, for instance, will continue to update on a monthly basis until it is fixed as an annual score in spring 2017, at which point Scopus will start to provide a monthly view on CiteScore Tracker 2017.” - Elsevier