From the Architectural Design to the Algorithm. An Example: the Deriche Edge Detector. De L'Architecture à L'Aalgorithme. Un Exemple: le Détecteur de Contours de Deriche

From the Architectural Design to the Algorithm. An Example: the Deriche Edge Detector.

De L'Architecture à L'Aalgorithme. Un Exemple: le Détecteur de Contours de Deriche

Didier Demigny Frederico Garcia Lorca  Lounis Kessal 

ETIS, URA CNRS 2235, Equipe Traitement des Images et du Signal ETIS/ENSEA-UCP, 6 avenue du Ponceau, F-95014 Cergy Pontoise Cedex

9 October 1997
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Through the example of the Deriche edge detector, we show how memories and operators optimizations for a real time implementation lead to modify the initial algorithm without any loss in performances .The new organization can be easily transposed to other linear edge detectors. We also want to transmit to CADengineers some ideas which have to be exploited to help architect designers in the area of data flow graphs, synchronous languages, allocation and scheduling problems. 


Through the example of the Deriche edge detector, we show how memories and operators optimizations for a real time implementation lead to modify the initial algorithm without any loss in performances .The new organization can be easily transposed to other linear edge detectors. We also want to transmit to CADengineers some ideas which have to be exploited to help architect designers in the area of data flow graphs, synchronous languages, allocation and scheduling problems.


Deriche, architecture, edges.

Mots clés 

Deriche, architecture, contours.

1. Introduction
2. Filtre Original de Deriche
3. Optimisations Algorithmiques
4. Optimisations Architecturales
5. Conclusion

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