Acoustic dedicated to fishery ecology study

Acoustic dedicated to fishery ecology study

Jean Guillard

UMR CARRTEL, INRA – Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc 75 avenue de Corzent, F-74203 Thonon, France

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5 May 2015
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18 December 2015
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Since the 1970s, the need for accurate information on fish densities, while avoiding fisheries statistics, was the starting point of using hydroacoustic methods (echo-sounding). Over the past 40 years, this approach has become a major tool for fish stock assessment and to provide information in many areas (bottom discrimination, detection of submerged plants, detection of plumes, evaluation of zooplankton densities, predator-prey relationships). We present researches on i) standardization of these approaches with the impact of the used frequency in the context of water quality monitoring, ii) an example of echo-sounding to study an annual perch (Perca fluviatilis) population dynamics in an oligotrophic lake, and iii) the use of a multi-beam sonar to study school internal architecture and address specific discrimination.


 echo-sounder, hydroacoustic, sonar, multibeam, frequency, stadardization, fish, perch, school, shoal, lake.

Extended abstract
1. Introduction
2. Influence de la fréquence dans le cadre de la normalisation de l’échosondage
3. Un exemple d’utilisation de l’échosondage pour l’étude de la dynamique de stock d’une population de perches (Perca fluviatilis) dans un lac oligotrophe
4. Sonar multifaisceau et architecture interne des bancs de poissons
5. Conclusion

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