Stéréophotométrie Non Calibrée en Présence D’Écarts au Modèle Lambertien

Stéréophotométrie Non Calibrée en Présence D’Écarts au Modèle Lambertien

Yvain Quéau Jean-Denis Durou  Bastien Durix  Vincent Charvillat 

Université de Toulouse, IRIT, UMR CNRS 5505 2 rue Camichel Toulouse, France

29 September 2013
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14 April 2014
| | Citation



In this paper we present a robust method for solving the uncalibrated photometric stereo problem in the Lambertian framework, in presence of outliers such as shadows or specular highlights. We show how to detect such outliers so as to accurately estimate the light sources, which are assumed to have uniform magnitude in order to solve for the generalized bas-relief ambiguity. We then propose a way to recover both the normal and the albedo in every pixel in presence of outliers, which is made possible thanks to the accurate estimation of the light sources. Our method is validated both qualitatively and quantitatively on synthetic and realworld datasets, and we compare its efficiency and accuracy to the most state-of-the-art existing techniques. 

Extended Abstract

We tackle the problem of 3D-reconstruction from m > 3 images, taken from the same point of view but under m different lightings. This problem, called photometric stereo, is a classical inverse problem in computer vision (Woodham,1980),which can be solved easily when: 

– lightings are assumed to be parallel and uniform;

– thereflectanceoftheobjecttoreconstructislambertian(nospecularhighlight);

– the vectors representing the lightings are known, both in norm and direction;

– shadows (both self- and cast-) are neglected. 

In this paper, we question the three latter hypothesis. To do so, we combine the methods described in (Quéau, Durou, 2013) and in (Durix et al., 2013) so as to propose a robust method for 3D-reconstruction when the lightings are unknown.

When the lightings are not provided, the problem becomes the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem, in which both the normals, the albedo and the lightings must be estimated simultaneously. Unfortunately, this is an ill-posed problem: those informations can be estimated only up to a global ambiguity. If the normal field is assumed to be sufficiently smooth (integrability hypothesis),this ambiguity reduces to the generalized bas-relief ambiguity, which depends only on three parameters. The estimation of these parameters require an additional constraint to be introduced: we extend the study led in (Quéau, Durou, 2013) and show how to solve the generalized bas-relief ambiguity when all the lightings are assumed to have the same intensity. This method is evaluated by comparing the obtained results with the calibrated case. 

Sincethequalityofthe3D-reconstructionobtainedbyphotometricstereodepends strongly on the absence of shadows and specularities, we also extend the work described in (Durix et al., 2013) and propose a robust framework for uncalibrated photometric stereo. To this purpose, we introduce a three-steps method which allows us to reducetheproblemtothatoftherobustestimationofboththenormalsandthealbedo in the calibrated case. 

Complex phenomena such as shadows and outliers are treated as outliers to the ideal lambertian model. Such outliers are first identified and excluded from the light estimation process, by comparing the intensity matrix to its rank-3 approximation. Then, normals and albedo are estimated using the previously estimated lightings: we introduce a weighted least square approach which allows to efficiently reduce the influence of outliers on the reconstruction. Finally, the generalized bas-relief ambiguity is solved by assuming that all lightings have the same intensity. This approach is evaluated by reconstructing scenes where shadows and specularities are present, and we compare it to other state-of-the-art approaches.


Nous présentons une méthode robuste de résolution du problème de la stéréophotométrie non calibrée dans le cadre lambertien, en présence d’écarts à ce modèle tels que les ombres ou les taches spéculaires. Nous montrons d’abord comment détecter de tels écarts afin d’estimer de façon plus précise les paramètres caractéristiques des sources lumineuses, qui sont supposées de même intensité afin de lever l’ambiguïté de bas-relief généralisée inhérente au problème. Nous montrons ensuite comment estimer la normale et l’albédo en chaque point en prenant en compte les écarts au modèle, ce qui est facilité par l'estimation précise des éclairages. Nous validons notre méthode qualitativement et quantativement par la reconstruction 3D d’objets synthétiques et réels, et nous comparons son efficacité et sa précision aux meilleures méthodes actuelles. 


3D-reconstruction, shape-from-X, uncalibrated photometric stereo, lighting estimation, generalized bas-relief ambiguity, shadows, specular highlights.


reconstruction 3D, shape-from-X, stéréophotométrie non calibrée, estimation de l’éclairage, ambiguïté de bas-relief généralisée, ombres, taches spéculaires.

1. Introduction
2. Équations de la Stéréophotométrie
3. Résolution de L’ambiguïté de Bas-Relief Généralisée par Estimationde L’Intensité des Éclairages
4. Résolution Robuste de la Stéréophotométrie Non Calibrée
5. Résultats
6. Conclusion et Perspectives

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