Managing dynamic multi-agent simple temporal network

Managing dynamic multi-agent simple temporal network

Guillaume Casanova Charles Lesire Cédric Pralet

Onera – The French Aerospace Lab F-31055, Toulouse, France

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The realization of plans of activities by several agents is usually subject to a set of temporal constraints, including synchronization constraints between agents. To represent the set of temporal constraints imposed on distributed plans, the framework of Multi-agent Simple Temporal Network (MaSTN) can be used. In this paper, we consider the problem of maintaining the temporal consistency of distributed plans during execution, when temporal constraints may be updated. We propose new incremental algorithms for managing dynamic MaSTNs, and we analyze the performance of these algorithms when communications are intermittent.


multi-agent planning, coordination, execution.

1. Introduction
2. Contexte
3. Algorithmes incrémentaux pour les MaSTN dynamiques
4. Analyse théorique
5. Expérimentations
6. Conclusion et perspectives

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