Silica-based Composite Membranes for Methanol Fuel Cells Operating at High Temperature

Silica-based Composite Membranes for Methanol Fuel Cells Operating at High Temperature

A. Alvarez C. Guzman C. Peza-Ledesma Luis A. Godinez R. Nava S. M. Duron-Torres J. Ledesma-GarciaL. G. Arriaga 

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo tecnológico en Electroquímica, Parque Tecnológico Querétaro, Sanfandila, Pedro Escobedo, C. P. 76703 Querétaro

División de Investigación y Posgrado, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Cerro de las Campanas S/N, C. P. 76010 Querétaro

UACQ-UAZ, CU Siglo XXI-Edificio 6, Km. 6 Carr. Zac.-Gdl., La Escondida, Zacatecas, Zac. C.P. 98160

Corresponding Author Email:
30 November 2010
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1 February 2011
| | Citation

In this work, composite membranes were prepared from a mixture of Nafion® ionomer with mesoporous (SBA-15) and microstructured silica (SiO2). The silica-based materials were synthesized using the sol-gel technique and their properties were characterized by TEM, BET, SEM and XRD. A glass cell with two chambers was used to evaluate the permeability of methanol of the composite membranes and its performance was compared with a commercial Nafion 115 membrane. The composite membranes showed smaller value of methanol permeability (around 19%) than that obtained when was used a commercial membrane. In terms of the fuel cell performance, the composite membranes showed a larger maximum power density (62 and 29 mWcm-2 for the SiO2 and SBA-15 composite membrane respectively) than that obtained for the commercial membrane at high temperature conditions (100°C).


composite membrane, NafionDMFC, High temperature DMFC

1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions

A. Alvarez and C. Guzmán are grateful to Council for Science and Technology CONACYT for graduate fellowship. The authors thank the Mexican Council for Science and Technology for financial support through Fomix-Chihuahua Grant CHIH-2009-C02-127461 and SEP-CONACYT Grant 2009-133310.


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