Transformation of an Urban Complex System into a More Sustainable form Via Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM)

Transformation of an Urban Complex System into a More Sustainable form Via Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM)


Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, DAStU, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

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Cities are energy-using systems in their own right; they consume energy in varying levels of efficiency. A city’s form can have a tremendous effect on its energy consumption, as well as its environmental performance. There has been much research and discussion regarding which urban form is sustainable, but lack of construc-tive methods to improve upon their existing environmental performance. This paper explicates a possible method of sustainable urban transformation design principles. The methodology aims to reform an existing urban assessment into a more sustainable form, regardless to its present form and performance. The research demonstrates how one can transform a city into a lower energy consumption system, using the Integrated Modification Methodology. In this approach, the city is considered as a single entity, a Complex Adaptive System; accordingly, the sustainable urban form emerges through modification of its elements and integration of its subsystems over time.


complex adaptive system, integrated modification methodology, morphology, sustainable urban transformation


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