Significance of Sub-Criteria in Measuring Sustainable Performance of Building Envelope Development

Significance of Sub-Criteria in Measuring Sustainable Performance of Building Envelope Development

Abraham Mwasha Rupert G. Williams Joseph Iwaro

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

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Currently, several building performance assessment methods are in use around the world but these methods fail to incorporate the needed sustainable energy performance indicators and sub-criteria, thus the necessity of current lack of capability to determine the actual sustainable performance of building envelope. Besides, aggregate criteria are extremely complex to create and are often criticized for simplifying the complex issues of sustainability into one performance issue. The aim of this paper is to create more effective sub-criteria that can be assessed under these sustainable energy performance indicators and infl uence the capability of building performance assessment methods. To create these sub-criteria, a comprehensive survey of the construction industry professional was conducted using a questionnaire technique while the data was analyzed using correlation and regression analysis techniques. Suggestions were made on those sub-criteria that should be assessed under the sustainable performance indicator to be incorporated into a sustainable performance model for the buildings’ envelope development.


building, effi ciency, energy, envelope, environmental, indicator, material, performance, sub-criteria, sustainable


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