Dynamic and Multiscale Analysis of Vegetation Cover: Mexicali, B.C. Mexico

Dynamic and Multiscale Analysis of Vegetation Cover: Mexicali, B.C. Mexico

A. Arias-vallejo R. Rojas-caldelas 

Architecture and Design Faculty, Autonomous University of Baja California

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Urban expansion patterns and the rapid, excessive growth of housing development have created a negative impact in city’s vegetation or urban green areas (UGA). Traditional urban planning does not adopt a holistic approach at an urban-region level, nor considers ecological and environmental functions of UGA, for example, changes in structure, function and dynamics. Throughout the world a deficit in vegetation cover is present, finding UGA below the minimum range established to meet urban standards and to achieve the quality of life. The objective of this paper is to propose a methodology to analyse and evaluate the structure, dynamics and function of UGA at the urban-region level in time. This paper developed a regional and urban cover vegetation analysis for the period between 2004 and 2013 within city and peri-urban area of Mexicali, B.C. Mexico. It was conducted through land use and land cover analysis, and NDVI; using database of Mexicali urban development master plan, SPOT-6 and Landsat L8 images, as well as ARGIS and MapInfo software. The results showed discontinuity in vegetation cover in the rural-urban transition; four zones within the city that have vegetation cover with a significant size, but their conditions are not in the most optimal state; poor UGA structure without connection between its elements; homogeneous urban fabric which highlights the constructed space and bare soil over the areas with vegetation; and that the arboreal vegetation occurs in lower quantity and quality compared to grass cover.


ecological planning, landscape, scales, urban green areas, urban planning, urban-region, vegetation cover


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