Outlet Work Optimization in Flood Control Reservoirs

Outlet Work Optimization in Flood Control Reservoirs

G. Ciaravino
L. Ciaravino

Department of Hydraulic, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.

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An examination of the general and hydrological planning criteria for artifi cial reservoirs clarifies the importance of choosing the correct type of outlet works both for stored volume management and for flooding events control. This choice becomes even more important, if we consider the effects of the climate change we have seen in recent years on extreme events. In this paper, the hydraulic operation of an extremely functional outlet work is studied using a physical model. The work is composed of an uncontrolled spillway and a mid-level outlet unified into a single structure. In particular, it proves of extreme interest both in the lamination of flood events and also in reducing the global costs of outlet works. The tests have highlighted the outstanding hydraulic operation of the works under any condition and, in particular, when the spillway flow and the mid-level outlet flow converge into a single duct.


Flood control, hydraulic structures, physical model, water management


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